RCS-D Directory™ | Real Estate Collaboration Specialist - Divorce™

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Vito LoGrasso

Project Manager | Real Estate Broker / Agent Better Homes & Gardens Mason-McDuffie
Work Contra Costa 94561 94523 94509 94514 94505 94506 94507 94508 94506 94517 94528 94513 94531 94549 94556 94595 94596 94598 94517 94521 94520 94523 94518 94519 94521 94565 94597 Walnut Creek California Cell Phone: 925.360.9143 Website: http://www.bhghome.com/vitolograsso%20http://www.linkedin.com/pub/vito-lograsso%20http://www.facebook.com/vito.lograsso%20http://activerain.com/blogs/lograsso


The family home is usually the most valuable asset in divorce. However, when dividing your marital property, appraisal minus mortgage does NOT equal equity. An RCS-D? REALTOR? , means that I am professionally trained to neutralize divorce real estate as a business transaction in the best interest of the house ? and each divorcing spouse.